An introduction to UFW

By me, Thomas

This article was written for Debian systems, other systems may be compatible as well.
The UFW commands have to be run with sudo/root permissions so you may need to run them as root or with sudo.


  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Examples


The installation is pretty simple

    apt update
    apt install ufw -y


First it’s most important to enable UFW, however it’s the second most important thing if you already have network active connections that cannot be disrupted.

For example, if you are configuring the server via SSH(tcp/22) then it can’t hurt to allow that connection fist.
In this case, skip to step 3 [Command Syntax] or the examples below to allow the connections you need, before you enable UFW.

  1. Enable UFW
    ufw enable
    By default, without any additional configuration, UFW will deny all incoming connections that are not initiated from the localhost.
  2. Verify UFW is running
    ufw status
  3. Command Syntax Parameters in brackets () are optional.
    ufw allow|deny|reject|delete (from host/network) (to host/network) (port) port|service (proto protocol)

Again, by default UFW will deny all incoming connections that are not initiated from the localhost.
With the ufw command you can allow or block reject web traffic.

  • Allow: Allow something
  • Deny: Drop something

    This means the traffic will be dropped, the other side will usually get a timeout

  • Reject: Block something

    This means the traffic will be blocked, the other side will get notified that the traffic was indeed blocked, instead of just a timeout

You can choose to only apply your filter only for a specific source with the from host/network parameter.

  • Host: is defined via an IP address
  • Network: is defined via the network IP and the cidr notation

If you choose to filter the source, you must also specify the target host to host/network parameter.
In case you don’t have any specific target you can use to any which… means just everything so not very filtery.

You can choose to only apply your filter for a specific target with the to host/network parameter.

  • Host: is defined via an IP address
  • Network: is defined via the network IP and the cidr notation

If you choose to filter the target, you must also specify the source host from host/network parameter.
In case you don’t have any specific source you can use to any which could just be anything.

To use delete , you can just add the number of the rule after the command.
The numbers of the UFW rules are how they appear when you run ufw status .


  • Allow SSH
    ufw allow SSH
  • Allow HTTP/HTTPS
    ufw allow HTTP
    ufw allow HTTPS
  • Allow from specific host or network
    • Host
      ufw allow from to any port 22
    • Network
      ufw allow from to any port 22
  • Allow HTTP only to a specific IP
    ufw allow from any to port 80
  • Delete a rule
    ufw delete 4


I may add more here as I go, but this is all I could come up with for now.